Throughout the nation, more people than ever are feeling motivated to become part of the political process. The change is particularly dramatic in Idaho, one of the most conservative states in the nation. Yet Idaho gave Barack Obama the largest margin of victory of the entire 2008 primary season, with nearly 80% of the votes statewide.

On Super Tuesday, 2008, tens of thousands of people throughout Idaho were motivated to attend local Democratic Caucuses. In Boise, the capitol city, a massive throng of people converged on the downtown hockey arena for the largest political caucus of 2008.

The number of people who attended the caucuses quadrupled over four years ago. In fact, more than 1,600 people were not able to get inside the event, and were instead asked to cast votes outside.

"State of Change" is a 23-minute documentary montage that looks at some of the factors motivating that enormous turnout, including a previous visit from Obama, the youth vote, and the overwhelming desire for change. It also includes interviews with some of the caucus-goers who were not able to get inside for the first ballot.

Regardless of your own political beliefs, the historic 2008 Ada County Democratic Caucus is an event that will stick with you for a long, long time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Dear Friends,

Thanks for visiting the home of "State of Change," my new documentary.  You can watch the film in its entirety by clicking on the link above.

In early February, I attended a Barack Obama rally at Boise State University and it was an unbelievable experience.  Taco Bell Arena has never been so packed -- the seats, the floor, the hallways, the doorways were overflowing with people.  And the enthusiasm, the desire for a better America, was infectious.  There, we heard a call to move beyond the divisions of the past to work together and tackle the real issues facing us.  The hope, the knowledge that together we can do it was uplifting and inspiring. 

After the rally, I realized that the Ada County Democratic Caucus, just three days later, had the potential to be an amazing story.   I quickly assembled a very talented crew -- and what we captured was history in the making.  This turned out to be the largest single political caucus in the nation for 2008.  Idaho also provided Obama with the greatest margin of victory for the entire primary/caucus season.  And more than 1,600 people were left outside on that cold February night because of the record-breaking turnout.

What you're about to see is a montage with 17 voters and political leaders -- looking at some of  the reasons why people wanted to be a part of the process.  The film weaves together interviews conducted before, during and after the caucus.  Anytime you have a gathering of thousands of people, there's bound to be a little noise, and you can definitely feel the energy in some of the interviews.

You too can be a part of the change  I encourage you vote early, whether you are in Idaho or beyond.  Like the people in "State of Change," your voice matters.  Please use it to stand up for positive change.

-Seth Randal

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the memories - it was quite memorable as my first caucus. i have tried to be more active this election cycle.