Throughout the nation, more people than ever are feeling motivated to become part of the political process. The change is particularly dramatic in Idaho, one of the most conservative states in the nation. Yet Idaho gave Barack Obama the largest margin of victory of the entire 2008 primary season, with nearly 80% of the votes statewide.

On Super Tuesday, 2008, tens of thousands of people throughout Idaho were motivated to attend local Democratic Caucuses. In Boise, the capitol city, a massive throng of people converged on the downtown hockey arena for the largest political caucus of 2008.

The number of people who attended the caucuses quadrupled over four years ago. In fact, more than 1,600 people were not able to get inside the event, and were instead asked to cast votes outside.

"State of Change" is a 23-minute documentary montage that looks at some of the factors motivating that enormous turnout, including a previous visit from Obama, the youth vote, and the overwhelming desire for change. It also includes interviews with some of the caucus-goers who were not able to get inside for the first ballot.

Regardless of your own political beliefs, the historic 2008 Ada County Democratic Caucus is an event that will stick with you for a long, long time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Welcome Idaho Statesman Readers!

Dear Friends,

I'd like to welcome those of you who are discovering "State of Change" thanks to Dana Oland's story on  We're glad to have you visit.  Hope you enjoy the film!  And thanks to Dana and the editors of the Statesman for the article.

If you have not yet read the story, check it out here:

Talk soon,

1 comment:

slfisher said...

I heard about this from Brian Cronin's campaign email and am forwarding the link to my friends out of the state who think there are no Democrats in Idaho.

Really nice job. Hope you're planning to put it on the film festival circuit.

Also, I was surprised to see that you're also the Fall of 55 guy; I saw the premiere of Fall of 55 at the Egyptian and that was really well done.